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HomeGaya HidupAdakan Seminar Beasiswa, HIMABIO Undang Alumni sebagai Pembicara – SUARA USU

Adakan Seminar Beasiswa, HIMABIO Undang Alumni sebagai Pembicara – SUARA USU


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Reporter: Syakirah

Suara USU, Medan. Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HIMABIO) Universitas Sumatera Utara recently held a scholarship seminar with the theme “From Dream to Reality: Experiences and Tips for Studying Abroad” on Thursday (22/08), which was held at the auditorium of Unit 1 FMIPA USU. This event was attended by various active biology program students, especially new students from the 2024 batch.

By featuring speakers who are alumni of the 2012 biology batch, Zulfatun Naimah, S.Si., M.Sc, who is currently pursuing a doctoral education at Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France. HIMABIO aims to motivate biology students to continue their studies beyond just obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

This activity is a routine program under the education and science division of HIMABIO and also the first seminar activity during the leadership of Abdul Azis for the 2024/2025 period.

“The event preparation was a bit sudden because it was only announced to the chairperson one week before the event, as we were preparing for PKKMB at that time. But alhamdulillah, the event was very successful, surpassing the target audience that we had planned,” said Cindy Febrianti, the head of the education and science division of HIMABIO.

Cindy also advised biology students to be more active in attending off-campus events, such as seminars. According to her, receiving material only from professors on campus is not sufficient to broaden one’s knowledge. Attending seminars, especially those related to scholarships, can help students prepare themselves and improve their quality.

Editor: Hanna Letare


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